Circa roma

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Finora roma ha creato 11 post nel blog.

The prevention of clinical complication by the use of the digital technologies


Over the past twenty-five years, the Aesthetic Design & Implant Academy, now the Toronto Implant Academy (TIA), has created first-class educational opportunities for dental professionals in the Greater Toronto Area, and is now the largest private implant study club in Canada. Dr. Fabrizia Luongo February 10, 2023 Sign Up

The prevention of clinical complication by the use of the digital technologies2024-07-25T09:40:42+00:00

Dental Photography Course


"Excellence and simplicity," this is the spirit of the course: it is possible to combine the highest level of scientific precision in using new clinical tools, such as cameras, with a clear technique that requires a minimal learning curve. Dr. Pasquale Loiacono Verona, March 25, 2023 Download the brochure

Dental Photography Course2024-07-25T09:38:50+00:00

Radiation in Dentistry


Radiation in dentistry is primarily used for diagnostic purposes through radiographic imaging. The use of ionizing radiation in dentistry is generally safe when following appropriate practices and guidelines to minimize exposure to both the patient and the staff. Here are some of the main uses of radiation in dentistry: Digital X-ray imaging: This technology [...]

Radiation in Dentistry2024-07-10T09:09:58+00:00

Professional Teeth Whitening


Professional teeth whitening is a treatment aimed at lightening the color of the teeth to make them whiter. The effectiveness of professional teeth whitening can vary depending on several factors, including the type of whitening used, the severity of the stains on the teeth, and the patient's habits after treatment. Professional teeth whitening can [...]

Professional Teeth Whitening2024-07-10T09:07:40+00:00

Digital Photography in the Dental Office


Dentistry is both a scientific and artistic discipline that demands precision, attention to detail, and a personalized approach to ensure optimal results for patients. In this context, photographic documentation plays a crucial role as it provides a tangible and visual basis for evaluating, planning, and monitoring dental treatments. Firstly, photographs offer a visual record [...]

Digital Photography in the Dental Office2024-07-10T09:04:01+00:00

Computed Tomography (CT) that has revolutionized dentistry


The History of CBCT Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) has revolutionized the field of dentistry by providing detailed three-dimensional images of the craniofacial region. Here is a brief history of CBCT in dentistry: 1990s - Introduction: CBCT technology was first introduced in the 1990s as an evolution of traditional computed tomography (CT). The main [...]

Computed Tomography (CT) that has revolutionized dentistry2024-07-10T09:02:22+00:00

Il ruolo della fotografia digitale per il dentista


La fotografia riveste un ruolo cruciale in odontoiatria, essendo utilizzata in molteplici contesti per scopi clinici, diagnostici, documentativi e didattici. Ecco alcuni degli utilizzi principali della fotografia in odontoiatria: Documentazione visiva: Le fotografie sono utilizzate per documentare visivamente le condizioni dentali dei nostri pazienti nel tempo. Questo può aiutarli a comprendere meglio il loro stato [...]

Il ruolo della fotografia digitale per il dentista2024-02-22T06:45:31+00:00

Tomografia Computerizzata a Fascio Conico (CBCT)


La tomografia computerizzata a fascio conico (CBCT, Cone Beam Computed Tomography) è una tecnologia di imaging medico e dentale che fornisce immagini tridimensionali dettagliate di strutture anatomiche all'interno del corpo, in particolare nella regione cranio-facciale. Ecco come funziona il processo: Generazione del fascio conico: A differenza delle tradizionali tomografie computerizzate (TC) che utilizzano un [...]

Tomografia Computerizzata a Fascio Conico (CBCT)2024-02-01T07:30:11+00:00

Radiazioni in Odontoiatria


Le radiazioni in odontoiatria sono utilizzate principalmente per fini diagnostici attraverso l'imaging radiografico. L'uso di radiazioni ionizzanti in odontoiatria è generalmente sicuro quando si seguono le pratiche e le linee guida appropriate per minimizzare l'esposizione del paziente e dello staff. Ecco alcuni dei principali usi delle radiazioni in odontoiatria: Imaging a raggi X digitale: Questa [...]

Radiazioni in Odontoiatria2024-01-31T07:36:52+00:00
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